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Danny & Hannah Kiehl

Danny and Hannah Kiehl graduated from the University of Missouri-Columbia in May 2017 — Danny with a degree in agriculture systems management, minor in ag economics and animal science and Hannah with a degree in agribusiness management.

The couple has been employed with Harrisonville-based Roth Farms, owned by Hannah’s uncle, Doug Roth, since graduation. Roth Farms includes 6,000 acres of row crops as well as grain merchandising and irrigation businesses. While Danny’s responsibilities include working with the operation’s row crops and hauling grain, Hannah primarily works in office management at the grain elevator.

In addition to their responsibilities at Roth Farms, the Kiehls manage a small herd of cattle that Danny first established as part of his 4-H and FFA projects while in high school. He developed a relationship with FCS Financial then through a grant program which helped him grow his project.

By participating in FCS Financial’s Connect program, the Kiehls were able to learn the ins and outs of farm business management in addition to crop insurance and other services the cooperative offers.

“I give them a lot of credit for taking the time to provide a service to us,” Danny said. “Getting the valuable information makes it worthwhile.”

Both Hannah and Danny are fourth generation ag producers. “There are a lot of young, beginning farmers that don’t have nearly the opportunities that we do, so we’re very grateful for that,” Hannah said.

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